
Frequently asked questions about the portal

How to find a roommate?

How do I sort the results?
How to find an apartment with several roommates?
Looking for an apartment - could it be useful to look at the ads of other people who are looking for an apartment too?
Will my ad to interest other site users?




How to find a roommate?

Regularly visit your profile, the new listings appear all the time.

  • Answer to the messages you receive
  • Try to enter as much information as you can in your listing. That way cimeri.rs will show you only other people's listings that interest you and it also shows your listing to the people who could be interested in your listing.



How do I sort the results?

Depending on your priorities, you can sort the ads in a variety of ways:

  • If you want to save on your rent - sort by rent from lowest to highest
  • If you want more space - sort by the flat surface
  • If you want bigger company - sort by the number of roommates
  • Most often it is essential to see recent listings - in this case, sort by date



How to find a flat with several roommates?


  • If you're looking to join an apartment with several people living there already - publish a listing "looking for a roommate" and specify the maximum number of roommates you want.
  • If you already live with several roommates and looking for someone to replace one of you - publish a listing "looking for an apartment" and specify the maximum number of roommates you want.




Looking for an apartment - could it be useful to look at the ads of other people who are looking for an apartment too?

That way you can also get what you want! If you recognize the ideal roommate, the only thing that's missing is the apartment :) In that case, you can find an empty apartment and start from scratch. A large offer of apartments for rent can be found on the website Realestate Serbia - NadjiDom.com.



Will my ad to interest other site users?

Is up to you to do your best and make your ad look interesting. Make sure you give as much information about yourself as others would want to find and to display your best side. Of course, it is important to be honest because your future roommates will in any case discover things you don't say right away - and that can cost the time and nerves to you and your roommates.